About Us
The Synod supports the mission and ministry of our local churches.
Who We Are
Who's who at URC Thames North Synod?
Our Committees
A list of committees at URC Thames North Synod.
URC Structure
Find out about the structure of the United Reformed Church.
Other Synods
There are approximately 1500 local United Reformed Churches Across England, Scotland and Wales.
Thames North Trust
Find out about the Thames North Trust.
What We Do
How we undertake a range of functions to support our local churches.
Discipleship Steering Group
The DSG at the forefront of our commitment to whole life discipleship.
Children & Youth
News on our children's and youth work and activities.
Support for those working with children, young people and adults at risk of harm.
Church & Society Network
The Church & Society Network explores various church and society issues.
Work With Us
Current job vacancies within the Thames North Synod and our partner organisations.
Find a Local Church
Directory of our local churches within the Thames North Synod.
Synod Newsletters
Weekly e-newsletters from the Synod.
Synod Meetings
Thames North Synod gathers for full Synod meetings 2-3 times a year.
Property Matters
Information and documents relating to Church Premises.
Health & Safety
Health & Safety Policy for the United Reformed Church Thames North Synod.
Additional Resources
Additional resources & downloads.
Going Green
URC Thames North is committed helping our churches become environmentally friendly.
Due to changes in Synod Structure and statutory legislation the Synod Property Guidance Notes, which were originally issued to local churches in 2007 and amended in 2012, have now been updated.
These guidance notes are not necessarily comprehensive, but provided to give initial information and advice to church members responsible for building care and maintenance. They cover topics which we hope will give sufficient information to help those of you caring for church buildings.
The information contained within the guidance notes was correct at the time of going to print, but please be aware that legislation is subject to change, and whilst we will make every effort to keep the guidance notes up to date it is always worth checking the links given within the guidance to make sure you are accessing the correct information.
It is possible to print each of these guidance notes direct from the website, but if you would like hard copies posted to you please contact the Synod Office on 020 7799 5000. For more information about these guidance notes or any aspect of church property please contact David Skipp by email:
Property Matters
Building Grants, Loans, Release of Funds and Other Property Procedures
Annual Inspection of Church Properties
Guidance Notes for Quinquennial Inspection
Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015
The Equality Act 2010 – How It Affects Our Buildings
Gas Servicing Guidelines – Residential Property
URC Thames North Synod St Paul’s United Reformed Church, Newton Road, London, W2 5LS
Phone 020 7799 5000
Email [email protected]
Copyright 2025 © URC Thames North Synod
Registered Charity no. 1135477
Website design by Lewis Jenkins