Phone 020 7799 5000

What is the URC

About Us

The Synod supports the mission and ministry of our local churches.

The purpose of the Synod is for our local churches to work together to support each other’s mission and ministry. The main meetings of the Synod take place 2-3 times each year when Ministers and other local church representatives meet for worship and to plan our work together.

In addition to this there are various committees that meet regularly to co-ordinate our work. The Synod has a dedicated team of officers and staff. Some of our staff team are based in our Synod Office in Central London while others spend most of their time visiting and working with local churches.

By working together, it is possible for local churches to do more than they could by working on their own.

Our Main Areas of Collaborative Work

Financing Missions
Financing the mission initiatives of churches.

Developing Leaders
Discovering and developing new leaders.

Sharing Good Practice
In areas such as children’s and youth work.

Providing Expertise
In managing and developing church buildings.

Employing Specialist Staff
With expertise in areas such as children’s and youth work, evangelism and church growth, training and urban church ministry.

Sharing Resources
Sharing the resources of ministers and other church leaders between churches.

URC Thames North Synod St Paul’s United Reformed Church Newton Road London W2 5LS

Phone 020 7799 5000

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Registered Charity no. 1135477

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Website design by Lewis Jenkins