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Advent Packs 2024

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Advent Packs 2024

The URC family Advent packs invite people to ‘Step into the Story’

Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024

The URC family Advent packs invite people to ‘Step into the Story’.

There is an original story book, a book full of inspiring activities and an A3 sticker Advent calendar to engage children and their families with the Christmas story.

This year the focus is on Christmas as everyone’s story – with traditions, crafts and recipes from around the world to enrich the celebration.

The packs are designed for local URC churches to give away to families they have connection with. They come in lovely A5 sized envelopes, which are left unsealed so that churches can add their own material and invitations. There will be an A2 sized poster for churches to display and ideas for linking church activities to the packs.

They are available to pre-order from the URC Bookshop – order before 30 August to ensure you are not disappointed! Orders will be dispatched to arrive by the start of November to give churches time to share them before the start of December.

£3 per pack for single pack – plus P&P £28 for 10 packs plus P&P (£2.80 each) £65 for 25 packs plus P&P (£2.60 each)

Grants are available from Children’s and Youth Work for free packs for those churches unable to purchase them. Please contact [email protected] for a grant form.

Brighton to Paris Wheels and Wheelchairs Challenge

Brighton to Paris Wheels and Wheelchairs Challenge

Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024

We want to get 5 wheelchair users, pushed by 35 skaters, on a 200 km road trip from Brighton to Paris in time for the Paralympic Games!

Children Youth and Families Workers’ Network

Children Youth and Families Workers’ Network

Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024

An opportunity for paid and voluntary workers!

Calling All Employed and Volunteer Children's Workers

Calling All Employed and Volunteer Children's Workers

Posted on Friday, August 9, 2024

Are you a children's worker associated with the United Reformed Church?

An Introduction to Godly Play

An Introduction to Godly Play

Posted on Friday, August 9, 2024

Exploring Childhood Spirituality

URC Thames North Synod St Paul’s United Reformed Church Newton Road London W2 5LS

Phone 020 7799 5000

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